All names, characters, images and logos on this site are protected by trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property laws by the party designated as the owner of those rights.  BBCW Distributors claims no rights of trademark, copyright or intellectual property to any products listed for sale on this website.  Product images, descriptions and other details are provided by the manufacturer of each item.  BBCW Distributors operates under Fair Use of the US Copyright Law.  

While we continually make every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this site has been obtained from the manufacturer, and believed to be correct and true, BBCW Distributors has no liability for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.  All information in this site is provided "as-is", with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance, merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose.  Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.

If you have any questions or require additional information you are welcome to contact us.
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