A - Icons from left to right. 

Click this to search the site.
 Click this to be directed to the registration page.
 Click this if you are an active customer to be able to log in.
Will change fromtoas you add items.
 Click this to “Contact Us”.
If using a touchphone, click here to call.

B - Navigation options from left to right.  

 PRE-ORDER SHEETSWill offer a list of the past 12 Pre-Order sheets.
ITEM TYPESWill offer a list of choices to help you focus on a specific type of product.
PROPERTIESWill offer a list of choices to help you focus on a specific type of property.
MANUFACTURERSWill offer a list of choices to help you focus on a specific Manufacturer.
THE WOW & HOW ZONEWill offer a list of choices to some of the legal awareness issues, the CCA and Your Customer Portal.

Main Navigation #1  

A – Slide Show highlights some of the upcoming Pre-Order items.

B – Secondary link to the latest 12 Pre-Order sheets.

C – Link to the list of services we offer for you.

D – Link to your Customer Portal (Specifics about the Customer Portal in a separate Tutorial Page).

Main Navigation #2 

A – Click this to check out items that have recently arrived at our warehouse.

B – Click this to check out all of the items currently In-Stock.

C – Click this to check out all the items that are currently available for Pre-Order – ALSO: You will have the option to click for                 items scheduled to release on a per month basis.

D – Click this to check out all the items that are Out-Of-Stock, but should still be available from the manufacturer.


Making it easy for you is our #1 priority!