In a remote region of the Earth, approximately 14 miles from the Territory of Wallis and Futuna, lies a magical place whose inhabitants have, by our standards, every disadvantage. They’re peculiar, imperfect, occasionally even scary-looking. They're somewhat dysfunctional and largely unemployable. Misunderstood by those of us in the real world, you would think they would be angry, but in fact they are very happy. You might even say “So So Happy". They have discovered a magical secret: that true contentment lies within. In a world where everyone’s not quite right, they are surrounded with love, kindness, and acceptance. And also with really, really bizarre looking stuff".
"Make cool stuff. Embrace individuality. Inspire acceptance among all beings, real or imagined. And so wish-granting monsters, not-so-able-bodied defenders, cheerfully dysfunctional robots, and all sorts of oddities never contemplated by Nature stream forth from our collective consciousness, inspired by art, music, and generous doses of caffeinated beverages".
This first series includes a total of 5 different characters from the So So Happy World. This is Mad Dog. Packed 12 per case.